Abstract Submission (old)


Topics – Areas of interest

Angiographically occult vascular malformations

Clinical presentation of CMs

Natural history of CMs

Neurovascular imaging

Mixed cerebrovascular lesions

Multiple CMs

Brainstem/basal ganglia CMs

Therapeutic decision making

Microsurgical management

Stereotactic radiosurgical management of CMs

Combined management/Multidisciplinary treatment

Pediatric lesions

Spinal CMs

General Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstract Submission is only possible via the on-line abstract submission system, provided that submitters have fully complied with the submission guidelines. Abstracts submitted via e-mail will NOT be accepted
  • Abstracts should be sent with the following format:
    • Abstract language: English
    • Word format (only.docx file)
    • Arial font, 10pt
    • Single space and single spacing
    • Not exceed 250 words
  • Abstract text should follow the below layout:
    • In the first row mention the full title of the abstract (only in CAPITAL letters – UPPERCASE)
  • Leave one (1) row and continue with the author(s) name(s) (in lowercase) as follows, plus the reference for their institution in superscript: Papadopoulos N.1, Dimopoulos N.3 and so on
  • The name of the presenting author should be bold and underlined
  • Leave one (1) row and continue with the institution/hospitals, in lowercase as such:
    1 Neurosurgical Department, Larissa University Hospital, Larissa, Greece
    2 Neurosurgical Department, G. Papanikolaou Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Leave two (2) rows and continue with the abstract text as follows:
    Material – Method
  • At least two (2) of the authors should have registered and paid their registration, for the abstract to be accepted (no student registrations are allowed)
  • Each submitted abstract (the word file you will submit) must include all information mentioned in the layout above (Title, Authors, Institution/Hospitals, Abstract Text)
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 17 February 2023



  • Abstracts that do not meet the above criteria or have not followed the above guidelines will not be accepted
  • Abstracts that have not been submitted on time will not be accepted


Notification to Authors

Authors will be notified via e-mail about the results of the abstract review process and the presentation method of their abstract, until 24 February 2023

Abstract Presentation

The title, author and institutions of all approved abstracts will be included in the final printed program.

Approved abstracts will be presented during the course in the form of E-Posters.

Important Note

By submitting your abstract, you agree to the Abstract Submission Guidelines of the LINC III - International Neurovascular Course - Cavernous Malformations: A holistic approach

For any questions or technical support, please contact: dnikolopoulou@concopco.com.

Click here to submit your abstract.
